Monday, April 5, 2010

District 1 Interpretation Training Planned for May 18, 2010

The District 1 Interpretation Committee is planning a training on May 18, 2010 to develop steps for successful interpretation and groups to target in this effort. The committee along with the District Extension Administrator will provide training and detailed examples of interpretation opportunities. This training will focus on the steps to successful interpretation along with unique delivery strategies and the audiences to target. Below is an overview of the planned activities for this interpretation training:

  • Excellent Programs - Interpretation means nothing without the evidence to back it up! This training will reinforce the importance of the steps of program development. Effective planning, marketing, implementation, and evaluation are all necessary before we can interpret the impact of our programs.
  • Targeted Audiences – In most cases, agents understand the importance of interpretation to commissioner’s courts. The importance of quarterly formal interpretation will be emphasized. In some cases, groups that are less informed about the results of our programs are: community leaders, civic groups, local organizations. This training will also focus on the importance of interpretation to our “Extension” groups.
  • Involving and Strengthening the Role of LAB and PAC’s – Information will be provided on the importance of strong and active Program Area Committees and Leadership Advisory Boards and their increased involvement in interpretation activities. Interpretation to these groups about the results of programs in the county and providing opportunities for them to tell our story will increase our interpretation successes. Training focus will be on committee structure, selecting committee members, roles of each committee and expectations of how these committees will function.
  • Successful Interpretation Examples from Peers– This training will provide for agents to share successful interpretation efforts with their peers. These examples will be formal events, interpretation pieces, special newsletters or updates, relationship building with stakeholders, involving planning groups in interpretation efforts, supporting and interpreting programs outside of your discipline, etc.
  • Brainstorming Sessions– County groups will be provided time for brainstorming how implement the District 1 Program Interpretation Initiative. Agents will utilize this opportunity for planning future activities in the county and to develop plans for targeted interpretation for state and federal elected officials that represent their counties.
It is extremely important that Texas AgriLife Extension programming is no longer “the best kept secret” in our counties and district. Our agents do a tremendous job of providing relevant educational information to all audiences. They also provide education in a number of programming areas that makes a difference in the lives of the people in the Texas panhandle.

All of the above focused program topics are areas that are reinforced during the year at midyear reviews, district trainings, program planning conference and performance appraisal. This program will reinforce the importance and expectation of providing high quality educational programs to our clientele and the impact we have had on the issues that affect people the most.

All District Extension Administrators are encouraged to review this concept and implement similar strategies in order to redirect County Extension Agent's anxiety to a proactive interpretive focus. This and other types of approaches clearly demonstrates leadership and vision on the part of our middle managers.

Content for this article was provided by Danny Nusser, District Extension Administrator-Texas AgriLife Extension Service.